Saturday, October 8, 2016

Fall Fashion Trends 2016

Summer is over, and fall is officially here. Great news for all the fall/winter cold temperatures lovers. It’s time for some style changes to the cozier side of things. So many trends, so many new ideas. It’s up to you, how you will incorporate them to spice up your everyday wardrobe.

Fancy skirts with plain tops are a thing for this fall, as well as sparkly details.  Feel free to wear them from morning to evening. Ripped jeans and off the shoulder tops, along with beautiful bell sleeved blouses are a must-have for another season. Velvet and see-through, are the fabrics to go. As for jewelry, chocker’s are the star of the show, made from lux textiles and optional embellishments. Makeup wise, vampy looks, seductive dark lips and neutral eye shadows make you fashionable and sexier than ever.

However, there's other options to the high-end designers, amazing collections and almost identical styles can be found in more affordable stores such as Forever 21, Zara, H&M, Marciano & TJ Maxx.  Find the perfect alternatives and you will surely discover some hidden gems. No need to make your wallet suffer; the secret is to make smart choices, but remember that quality is better than quantity.

Have fun and stay stylish!



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